I am a computer engineer specialized in machine learning and data science. My areas of interest include NLP, computer vision, and bioinformatics. I also have a keen interest in software engineering.

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My work🧠🕑

Portfolio Items

Get The Plate

Detection and Recognition of License Plate numbers using Deep Learning.
Data scrapping and augmentation to create a significant dataset.
Fine-tuning State-of-the-art models for object detection and scene text recognition.
Deployment of the pipeline on GCP as a REST API using Flask.

Computer Vision MLOps Backend Development Python
See Work
Portfolio Items

Tweet Analysis

Advanced custom tweet scrapping based on user's settings and keywords.
Word analysis and corpus exploration by location.
Sentiment analysis and topic modeling.
Ergonomic and user-friendly web app.

NLP Python Streamlit
See Work
Portfolio Items


Web app for supervised learning on custom datasets with imbalanced classes.
Univariate and multivariate data analysis, data preprocessing and visualization.
Supervised model training and comparison and hyperparameter tuning.
Undersampling and Oversampling approaches for imbalanced class datasets.

Supervised Learning R RShiny
See Work
Portfolio Items


Prediction of protein tertiary structures using the replica exchange Monte Carlo algorithm.
Implementation of the REMC algorithm in Python.
Implementation of a web app for the prediction of the tertiary structures of proteins.

Bioinformatics Python Streamlit
See Work
Portfolio Items

ICD10 Code Prediction

Prediction of ICD10 codes for multiple diseases based on their descriptions.
Seq2Seq Encoder-Decoder LSTM model with Teacher Forcing.

NLP Python Tensorflow
See Work
Portfolio Items

Distributed KMeans

A distributed implementation of the KMeans algorithm using Spark.
Performance comparaison in clustering with existing implementations.

Unsupervised Learning Distributed computing Python Spark
See Work
Portfolio Items

Corporate projects

I also had the opportunity to work on several projects during my internships and my professional experiences. The most significant ones focus on : the development of solutions incorporating LLMs for automating certain medical tasks, the analysis of EEG time series for detecting biomarkers related to specific psychological disorders, as well as the automatic detection of game events in rugby match video recordings. However, due to confidentiality, I cannot share the code of these projects.

For more details, please refer to my resume or contact me! 🤓

Computer Vision NLP Time Series Python


✨Few things about me✨

As a graduate engineer from ESI Algiers in computer systems and software, as well as from Université Paris Cité (formerly Paris V) with a Master's degree in Data Science and Machine Learning, I have been passionate about computer science from a very young age. I particularly enjoy the software design process and the implementation of clean code. Over the past few years, I have also developed a strong interest in machine learning, particularly for its various applications in different domains. In my spare time, I talk about artificial intelligence on Tiktok and X.

Among my other interests are cinema and series. I'm also a sports enthusiast, particularly football (Hala Madrid!) and Formula 1. I'm also deeply interested in chess, history, and biology.

Main Programming Skills

  • Python
  • Numpy
  • Spark
  • Tensorflow
  • R
  • Streamlit
  • C
  • Java
  • ReactJS
  • PostgreSQL
  • Docker

Other Skills

  • Software Testing
  • Software design
  • Design patterns
  • Cloud Computing
  • Version Control
  • Team Collaboration
  • Autonomy
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People Say

What others say about me

"Lounes quickly adapted to the specific and extensive project environment. Team members working on the project were able to assess his motivation and optimism and appreciate Lounes' human qualities as he seamlessly integrated into the project's life with autonomy."

Amine F.

Data Scientist

"I was able to observe the seriousness and dedication of Lounes, as well as his analytical mindset and very interesting solution proposals."

Dr. Houda O.

Lecturer & Former professor

Contact Me

I'd be delighted to chat!

Email Me:

[email protected]

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